• Support us

Become a friend

There are several possibilities to support the work of Camp Westerbork Memorial Centre. Because Camp Westerbork Memorial Centre has been designated as an ANBI by the Ministry of Finance, the donation is completely exempt from inheritance and gift tax. The amount you donate will therefore fully benefit the Memorial Centre. More information about this can be found at http://www.anbi.nl.

Friend (from € 60 per year)

  • You and a plus-one have free admission to the museum
  • You will receive the information bulletin 'Getekend Nieuws'

Beneficiary (from € 240 per year)

  • You receive the same benefits as a Friend
  • You are invited to special meetings

Special benefactor (one-off € 2,500)

  • You receive the same lifelong benefits as a Beneficiary
  • You receive the book Westerbork 1939-1945 for free
  • European Heritage Label
  • Unesco

Route descriptions

Click here to learn more about transport options and accessibility.
Logo van Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork